
how to clean your oven

By recipessss - 18:09

I tried something else just to see how it would work and I continue to be amazed with this cleaning solution! I have a self-cleaning oven (which I am SO thankful for), but I always remove the racks before cleaning. Well, yesterday I sprayed this wonderful solution over the racks and also inside the oven. I forgot to wipe it out after a few hours and it stayed on overnight! So I wiped it out this morning and you see the results. I had never really cleaned the racks and that baked on grease and food just flaked off! I think one of the secrets is to leave the mixture on the surface for awhile. In case you missed it, here is the mixture again...

Into a spray bottle mix:
2 oz. Dawn Dishwashing liquid
4 oz. Lemon Juice
8 oz. White Vinegar
10 oz. Water 

Now make your house sparkle! 
*Please test it first before using on delicate surfaces. This is powerful stuff! If your shower has a bad build-up of soap scum and crud it may take a time or two to get that shine.

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